How To Clean Platinum Jewelry 2023: Top Full Reviews

How To Clean Platinum Jewelry 2023 Top Full Reviews

Do you own rare platinum jewelry? So rare that King Louis XVI of France declared it fit only for kings? Nowadays, many people prefer this metal jewelry like bracelets, rings, thanks to its prominence and durability.

Although platinum is a durable and hypoallergenic metal for the skin, 30 times rarer and 60% denser than gold, it neither oxidizes nor erodes over the years of use. However, this does not mean that you do not need to preserve it. Like all jewelry, this glamorous white metal also needs regular care.

Daily doses of soap and water, hand cream, and the elements will leave a mark on your jewelry over time, especially if you wear platinum every day. Below, By Boe has listed how to clean platinum jewelry. Adopting these simple habits will make your jewelry sparkle and give you peace of mind knowing that your precious platinum is in tip-top shape.

How to Take Care of Platinum Jewelry

  • Remove platinum jewelry before using harsh chemicals like bleach or abrasives, which might cause damage or scratching to gemstones.
  • Keep away from heavy and gardening labor while sporting platinum jewelry.
  • Store your platinum in another compartment from other jewelry to prevent scratching.

How to Take Care of Platinum Jewelry

  • Has platinum jewelry assessed by a professional bi-annually or after being exposed to complex effects? This precaution ensures that any diamonds will stay protected in their setting.
  • When dimensions repairs or alterations are essential, ensure your shopper uses platinum inventory to execute the job. Many seat technicians utilize white stone, which may lead to dark markers and solder points.

How to Clean Platinum Jewellery

Cleaning Platinum Jewelry

  • Clean frequently with a fine jewelry cleaner specially formulated for platinum and gold jewelry and even a cleaning solution of mild soap and warm water.
  • With a soft toothbrush, wash the alloy softly.
  • Rinse thoroughly under warm water, preventing the sink drain.
  • Dry with a clean, lint free cloth.

How to Clean Platinum Jewellery

  • Don’t brush or boil fragile diamonds mounted on your platinum jewelry like opal, tanzanite, emerald, or topaz. Instead, check with your favorite farmer for intricate diamond maintenance details.

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Cleaning with Ammonia

Many individuals shy away from ammonia due to the chemical-sounding title, but it’s truly a natural and safe product to use as a soft for cleaning. But, ammonia can occasionally cause burning in the eyes and throat, so use gently scrub and gloves and operate in a ventilated room if utilizing ammonia to clean your ring.

Before utilizing ammonia, ensure your ring does not contain diamonds. While diamonds are tough enough not to be ruined by ammonia, ammonia may damage delicate diamonds.

To create an ammonia cleanup solution, dilute 1 to 2 parts water one teaspoon ammonia in a container. Permit your platinum ring for 20 to thirty minutes from the solution.

Using gloves, then take out the call and give it a great wash with a soft toothbrush to remove all clinging dirt. You may elect to wash it in soap and warm water or only give it a great rinse under running water to eliminate all the solutions. Dry the ring nicely before wearing it.

Avoid Using Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaners

Although ultrasonic jewelry cleaners are a handy way to clean quickly your platinum, you need to take caution when diamonds are involved. White gold mountings are extremely difficult and usually hold the diamond securely.

But when there’s an error in a prong that is a bit diminished, the vibrations and puffiness of an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner may loosen or perhaps dislodge the bead from its setting. Preferences like paving are particularly vulnerable since they have plenty of tiny diamonds which may readily secure loose and fall out.

Additionally, because most diamonds have inclusions, however minuscule, the ultrasonic jewelry cleaner may accentuate these defects and make the rock crack. Therefore, it is better not to take the risk regarding your precious platinum diamond ring.

Should you want to use an ultrasonic cleaner, then make sure that the diamond is an ominous rock with no inclusions, and the setting of the ring is in perfect condition. If uncertain, check with your jeweler if the call is secure to be used in an ultrasonic cleaner.

Does Platinum Wear Down?

Apart from its sheer beauty, the allure of platinum is that due to the metal’s dense molecular arrangement, hardly any volume is dropped when platinum is scraped. So, practically, platinum doesn’t wear down.

Put in perspective, a platinum group fashioned twenty decades back and worn each day weighs nearly precisely like it did when it was initially made.

Does Platinum Wear Down

Platinum and Patina

After the vivid, highly polished glow of platinum jewelry takes on a tender aged patina.

The color does not change. However, the jewelry may seem darker than when originally purchased. This result is a result of how light interacts with excellent scratches inside the alloy.

Many people consider this natural aging process one of many fine features of platinum, including character and beauty. Should you prefer a more deep end, two choices are available:


A skilled copywriter can buff the excellent scratches from platinum to bring out its original white luster.

Ordinarily, restored platinum jewelry can keep luster for six to twelve months, based upon your wear customs.

Be mindful that many jewelry stores don’t have the equipment ( lint free cloth ) required to execute this procedure in-house.

Rhodium Plating

Many jewelers offer you rhodium plating support for jewelry.

Rhodium is a white alloy closely linked to platinum, using high reflective attributes, producing a mirror-like sheen.

Rhodium, like most plating material, finally wears off. Therefore, expect to need to re-apply this complete every six months, based upon wear.

Platinum Attributes Factsheet:

  • Hypoallergenic
  • 30 times rarer than gold
  • 60% denser than golden
  • Normally 95% pure
  • Exceptionally malleable
  • Outstanding tensile strength
  • A white metal
  • Does Not Affect

Tips for Taking Care of Your Platinum Diamond Ring

When keeping your platinum diamond ring, always make sure it is kept in a dry area in a different pouch or lint free cloth box. This is going to keep the ring out of becoming scratched and ruined by other products.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Platinum Diamond Ring

Always make sure you remove your ring by engaging in outdoor or physical tasks, such as mowing, cleaning, or other demanding work. This may keep it free of collecting dirt and grime, in addition to protect the bead from any effect. After employing make-up, body sprays, or lotions, provide your ring a wipe to eliminate any oily residue.

Carry your precious metals to a jeweler at least once per year to check the atmosphere is protected and that there’s not any threat of this diamond falling outside. In addition, most jewelers offer you yearly complimentary cleaning support as part of the after-sales policy, lint free cloth so benefits from this and have a professional wash for the ring.


Beautiful platinum jewelry will help you attract people’s attention. However, to keep their attractive appearance, you must regularly clean your jewelry. Each type of jewelry requires a specific cleaning regimen.

You have to be careful to use the cleaning methods recommended for it. So, your platinum jewelry will always shine and look new for years or even forever. We hope this article was helpful to you!

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